Tone It Up came out with the idea of a #createyoursummer bucket list. So I got to it. I put it on Instagram, but could only fit like 5 or 6 things in the picture.
Side Note: a fun fact about me is that I love lists! I love putting all my ideas down and being able to organize and check them least ideally - I won't talk about how
So here it is in (almost) all it's glory. My 51 item summer bucket list [I left 2 out ;)] :
1. Road Trip

2. Skinny Dipping

3. Campfire and S'mores

4. Outdoor Amusement Park (which makes me wish I lived in Utah by Lagoon - seriously so fun!)

5. Camping

6. Sparklers on Canada Day

7. Beach Day - Sandcastle making is a must.

Backstreet Boys: Check
9. Half Marathon - *SeaWheeze*

10. Boating on the lake....anyone have a boat?? I'll make you cookies!

Plus I've always wanted to learn to wakeboard! So seriously...someone let me know if you have a boat!
11. Pool Party

How sweet would it be to put glowsticks in the bottom of a pool!?
12. Hike

13. Make fresh Lemonade

Recipe here.
15. Buy flowers for someone else

16. Drive-In-Theatre

Does anyone know of one? I pretty sure there isn't one in the city, but I'm willing to travel ;)
17. Shakespeare in the Park

18. Tie-Dye

19. Movies on the Square

20. Stargaze

21. BBQ

22. Bowling (preferably glow-in-the-dark)

23. Volunteer (Mustard Seed anyone??)

24. Read "Classic Love Stories"
25. Beach Volleyball

Sorry to leave you hanging, but PART 2 will come out very soon! Keep your eyes peeled! ;)
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